mobidevtalk References

Internet is full of information. iOS development is also not different from that term. On Internet we can find a lots of lots of item regarding the iOS development. Picking the right info or the item is a serious skill. Because it saves a lot of time and energy. Plus added benefit is you get quality knowledge is short time. But how we can achieve that? It turns out very simple for me. I already have a list of references from which I will pick a topic first hand. On this page we are sharing the mobidevtalk references. Those references are the first places from which we will have a visit to see if there is anything that we are thinking to write about. If a reference already have a better one then no doubt it will be shared on corresponding blog post. So ready for the reference list?



Ref vs Value type

I know i know the chronology of the links may not be the same as we wish for. They will differ a lot based on individual level. We can think this list just as a list not as a shorted list.

Also there should be many that yet not added here. I would love to see them a bit more links here. But there is an all-in link available on iosDevWeekly directory. Do Check that out. It has a long list of links related with iOS development.

End Talk

The mobidevtalk References page is a page which will be updated periodically. So if you think we can add some more let not be shy to share that link through an email to me at [email protected]. Enjoy at mobidevtalk.

Notifications for mobidevtalk! Cool ;) :( not cool